Junior Membership

Junior membership in any Mayflower partner society is a way to encourage interest in their Mayflower Pilgrim heritage. Having proven descent through a Mayflower passenger is a great way to understand where you come from.

Junior members under 18 are sponsored by a relative (i.e. Aunt, Uncle, Parent, Grandparent, etc). Most partner societies have their own applications and specifications for applying and becoming a Junior member.

A Junior member is someone under the age of 18 that has joined one of the fifty-two partner societies, but has NOT completed an application to the General Society proving descent from a Pilgrim. Those who are Junior members may remain in that status until their 18th birthday.

Your presence at our society events are always welcome.

Questions on the membership process may be emailed to our Junior Membership Chair at historian@minnesotamayflower.org

Download the Junior Membership Form

Please keep your society aware of address changes for the Junior Members so we can recognize them on their birthdays. Contact the Junior Membership Chairman at the above email address with current information.

Thank You