Board Board of Assistants

Board of Assistants - Minnesota

Governor, AGGreg Oxley
Deputy GovernorKathy Palmersten
SecretarySonja Pederson
TreasurerLinda Richards
CounselorPatrick Oxley
ElderRuss Trout
Historian, Membership, DGGLori Reynolds
CaptainMark Campbell
Communications/EditorDevon Dougherty
WebmasterLinda Choy
SurgeonDr. Gudrun Mueller
Members At LargeJim Mirick, David Glass, Barb Rustad


ByLaws Jim Mirick, Lorrie Link, Greg Oxley
HospitalityLori Reynolds, Kathy Palmersten, Sonja Pederson, Barb Rustad, Greg Oxley
ScholarshipDr. Gudrun Mueller
Auction ChairLorrie Link
WebsiteLori Reynolds, Devon Dougherty. Linda Choy, Linda Richards, David Glass, and Greg Oxley

Bold Face names serve as the chair of that committee. All members are welcome to volunteer for a committee or for a member-at-large.